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FSSAI License and Registration process for Food Safety in India

Company: PSR Compliance
Location: India - New Delhi,Noida Sector 63
Price: Negotiation
Contact: Naman Singh(Consultant)
Contact Me:

 Mobile:+91-7065883416 Email:95ps1112rc6o31mp1l146ia3n3c0e1152@11g72ma4i79l.117co0m

The Food Safety and Standards Act, 2006, which establishes guidelines for food safety in India, requires food industry operators to obtain an FSSAI License in order to guarantee that food sold in the country is safe to consume. PSR Compliance helps with the registration procedure and makes sure your company meets with safety standards.

FSSAI License and Registration process for Food Safety in India

Disclaimer:All information is provided by registered users. You may assess risks based on corresponding qualifications.

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