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Location: India - New Delhi,RR PLAZA, PLOT NO.1, FIRST FLOOR, AMBERHAI EXTN SECTOR -19, DWARKA, NEW DELHI-110075 Delhi, India
Price: Negotiation
Contact: Anuj Singh Rajput(Founder)
Contact Me:

 Mobile:+91-9958203104 Email:8n1i12f75.j6l86pt1413@g9m49ai7l0.3c121om

Immerse yourself in the rich and fascinating world of Japanese language and culture with our comprehensive course! Whether you're a complete beginner or looking to further your knowledge, this course is perfect for anyone who wants to explore the beauty of Japan.

Our expert instructors will guide you through the fundamentals of the Japanese language, teaching you essential vocabulary, grammar, and pronunciation. You'll also have the opportunity to practice your conversational skills in a supportive and interactive environment.

But our course isn't just about language - it's also a deep dive into Japanese culture. From traditional customs and etiquette to modern trends and pop culture, you'll gain a well-rounded understanding of what makes Japan so unique.

And the best part­ You'll have the chance to experience Japanese culture firsthand through immersive activities, such as calligraphy, tea ceremonies, and traditional cooking classes.

By the end of the course, you'll not only be able to communicate in Japanese, but you'll also have a deeper appreciation for the country and its people. Plus, you'll walk away with a certificate of completion to showcase your newfound skills and knowledge.

Don't miss out on this incredible opportunity to expand your horizons and connect with a new culture. Enroll in our Japanese language and cultural course today and take the first step towards an enriching and rewarding experience!

Disclaimer:All information is provided by registered users. You may assess risks based on corresponding qualifications.

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